
Sustainability journey, the installation of a photovoltaic system of over 4MW in Rodano site has been finalized

Since years, we’ve embarked on a sustainability journey to reduce impact on environment, with great focus on energy, greenhouse gases, water, and waste. Within our long-term program to reduce the energy consumption by installing renewable energy systems in our global manufacturing network, we’ve finalized the installation of a photovoltaic system of over 4MW in Rodano (Milan) Olon site. This is a major step forward along the transition to sustainable energy sources.

With an estimated production capacity of 6.5GWh/year, the photovoltaic system will allow the generation of clean electricity with ZERO CO2 emissions. This achievement will significantly reduce the ecological footprint of our operations, allowing us to yearly save the emission of tons of CO2 – 2000Ton/ year. This initiative marks our concrete commitment towards the decarbonization of production.

We will continue to actively pursue projects and initiatives that promote environmental sustainability and the transition to a low-carbon economy. We are confident that our collective efforts will lead to tangible results in the fight against climate change.